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Purple Buds

PureSculpt Cellulite Leg Treatment

Starting at $110

1 hour 15 minutes 

Service Time: 45-60 minutes











PureSculpt Cellulite Ice 14oz, is a combination of clays, caffeinated herbs and luscious oils to help improve the appearance of cellulite. The combination of high end ingredients like Pure Colombian Coffee grains, green tea, black tea, rosemary and mate are rich in caffeine to provide a smooth appearance on the skin. This particular ice is used for areas of the body were cellulite is more visible. Mostly used for the legs. This luscious ice has Pure Colombian coffee grinds to help exfoliate dead skin cell yielding to smoother skin.




    •    Aids in the appearance of skin dimpling

    •    Skin may also tighten from the stimulating effects of caffeine by improving blood flow temporarily

    •    Eliminates excess water

    •    Rich in antioxidants, which promotes overall healthier skin tone

    •    Caffeine has both a lipolytic (fat releasing) and circulation-enhancing effect when applied locally,

    •    Anti-inflammatory properties

    •    Nourishes and moisturizes the skin

    •    Exfoliates skin leaving it smooth and silky.

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